Cross DOT Bridge! (April 7th to April 13th)
April 8th marked a special occasion, it was the day when the official Polkadot Kusama bridge went live. No surprises (you never know with bridges) as to celebrate this momentous occasion, our top story this week is about bridges.
We have continued to enjoy crossing bridges with our tokens between our growing number of parachains via XCM, thus, this week we shall feature a cross-chain token roundup after the recent surge of tokens seeking listing.
With the previous month closing, it was time for our creators to nominate what they felt was the top content in the general content retroactive rewarding channel. Find out more about this initiative, including which content stood out in this week's well-connected edition.
The full newsletter can be enjoyed via this link.
Dodow, Chief Editor
Top Story Of The Week - DOT Bridges!
Written by yay.oi
The idea of natively bridging Kusama and Polkadot is nothing new. In fact, it’s been in the works since before Kusama was even launched. There are already a couple of trust-minimized options. However, with the initialization of GRANDPA light-clients on both Polkadot and Kusama BridgeHubs this week, the first native trustless solution is finally here.
Bridging over to the world of sports. After a spectacular funding recovery by the Polkadot community, Conor Daly finally unveiled his Polkadot Indy car this week. He’s been talking up Polkadot to the media and it really looks like he’s been doing his research. It’s been great exposure so far, with even more to come at the big races in May.
Check out our full newsletter for the full story
General News
Written by Turing Machine
Kusama Auction #137 has been won with a self-funded bid of 240 KSM by Parathread 3347.
Driver Connor Daly previews the Polkadot sponsored race car for the Indy 500.
The Web3 Foundation has announced StorageHub as its latest grantee in the Decentralised Futures program. Expect tight integration with Dotsama parachains, as well as an efficient decentralized storage.
InvArch’s airdrop started on Saturday 13th April, with a total of 50,000,000 VARCH.
Memecoin chain has won the #138 auction on Kusama with a self-funded bid of 234 KSM.
Written by Gigs
The Great Escape partners with PINK.
Bifrost announces its 2024 roadmap which includes: new tokenomics, the coretime upgrade, connection to Ethereum via Snowbridge, and a Bitcoin L2 bridge.
D20 pools to be shut down on StellaSwap following DAM finance closure announcement.
HydraDX March monthly report, features information on treasury proposals, findings from the Code4Arena audit, and the growth of isolated pools with the recent memecoin season on Polkadot.
Governance News
Written by Turing Machine
DED launched its internal governance through Town Hall.
Referendum #615 has passed to start BEEFY consensus on Polkadot.
The referendum to upgrade Kusama runtime to v1.2.0 has passed, the enactment will be on April 18th 2024, thereafter, Coretime will be enabled and parachain Auctions will cease.
The Kusamarian is seeking 74,533 DOT of funding with Polkadot OpenGov Referendum #668. The financing would cover 69% of their costs for producing top notch coverage about Polkadot.
Events News
Written by Gigs
Tanssi network hosted a space on April 11 with Alice und Bob discussing the balance between earning and playability in Web3 gaming, adoption challenges, and development insights.
Check out the AMA on April 11 with Zoe, Polkadot Global Head Ambassador, and Oliver Tale Yadzi, Parity Blockchain Dev, which covers Polkadot's new ambassador program.
Upcoming events
While the top story covers communication outside of Polkadot, our Cross-chain Token Roundup covers communications inside by Sanchez.
With another month ending, check out what’s been happening with Rewarding Retroactive Content by Dodow.
Awesome cover art created by aemonk.